Elevate Your WOW3 Experience with a Sleek New Look and Enhanced Features
We're excited to introduce a range of UI improvements and a powerful new metadata refresh feature designed to enhance your overall WOW3 experience.
Enhance UI_Refresh Metadata_WOW3
UI Refinements:
  • Portfolio Page:
    Enjoy a more immersive experience with offline functionality, asset section shadows, and a redesigned portfolio summary position.
  • NFT Page:
    Benefit from a visually enhanced NFT card design with larger images upon hover.
  • Global Navigation:
    Experience a smoother navigation flow with a refined side menu and subtle header blurring upon scrolling.
Refresh Metadata Features:
Users can now refresh individual NFTs by clicking the ‘…’ icon and clicking the "Refresh Metadata" button on any NFT card. WOW3 will instantly update the NFT’s metadata to the latest version.
In addition, for added convenience, we've integrated direct links to the NFT marketplace and Ronin Explorer within each NFT card. Simply click the "..." icon to access these resources.
🔥 Try it now at: https://wow3.app/
Let’s dive in and explore the new WOW3! 🚀