We're excited to announce a series of upgrades to your WOW3 portfolio, designed to enhance your NFT management experience and provide greater transparency into your holdings.
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1. NFT Summary:
Valuation Added:
We've incorporated estimated NFT valuations into your portfolio, providing a general idea of your NFT collection's worth. This valuation is primarily based on the floor price of attributes associated with each NFT.
NFT summary can be disabled in your portfolio settings if desired.
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2. Currency Switching:
View your NFT valuations in RON, WETH, or USD for added flexibility.
Simply use the drop-down menu next to
"Collections Value"
, then all NFT/collection card valuations will update accordingly.
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3. Analyzing Your NFT Collection:
Allocation Chart:
Get a visual breakdown of how your NFTs are distributed across different collections. This chart helps you quickly identify which collection holds the majority of your NFTs.
Value Distribution Chart:
This chart offers insights into the value distribution of your NFT portfolio. It displays the number of NFTs you own within specific valuation ranges (default: <$10, $10-$100, $100-$1,000, $1,000-$10,000, >$10,000).
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4. Vesting Section Introduced:
Gain complete transparency over your vesting tokens with the introduction of a dedicated Vesting section in your portfolio. This section provides:
  • Detailed View:
    A comprehensive breakdown of tokens that are currently vesting in your wallet.
  • Vesting Explained:
    Information on vesting schedules, where purchased tokens like those from launchpads or IDOs unlock over time based on specific project terms.
  • Claimable Tokens:
    Identify the amount of tokens currently available for you to claim into your wallet.
  • Total Locked Tokens:
    View the total amount of tokens locked, including both claimable and non-claimable tokens.
This update empowers you to make informed decisions about your portfolio by keeping track of all your vesting tokens.
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5. Increased Bundle Control:
  • Set Bundle Visibility:
    When creating bundles, you now have the option to choose whether they are public or private. Public bundles can be viewed by other WOW3 users, while private bundles remain visible only to you.
  • Irreversible Setting:
    The chosen visibility setting (public or private) cannot be modified after a bundle is created.
  • Viewing Public Bundles:
    Public bundles are displayed on the profile of the user who created them.
All previously created bundles will be automatically set to public and displayed in your portfolio.
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Ready to Explore?
Head over to your WOW3 portfolio to experience these new features and gain deeper insights into your NFT holdings and overall crypto portfolio health!
Explore the new features: WOW3 Portfolio
Sample profile with new features: Sample Profile 1
Sample profile with new features: Sample Profile 2